L E Lundberg professorship

In the early days of the Foundation, the idea arose of a substantial part of the funds being used to finance a professorship that would bear Lundberg’s name. This would entail a long-term relationship in areas that practitioners in the field found to be of particular importance. Since the formation of the Foundation in 1996, the Lars Erik Lundberg professorship has been held by three individuals who have worked in entirely different areas.

Lundberg Chair in Human Capital Management

Andreas Werr

Stockholm School of Economics


Since July 2019 the Lars Erik Lundberg Foundation for Research and Education finances a newly established professorship named “The Lars Erik Lundberg chair in Human Capital Management”.

The Foundation has committed to financing this professorship over a period of ten years from July 2019 until June 2029, initially in an amount of SEK 2.0 million per 12-month period.


Organizations’ human capital has become an increasingly important factor in competition in the knowledge society, and everything indicates that this development will continue. The newly established professorial chair in Human Capital Management at Stockholm School of Economics aims to strengthen both research and education at Stockholm School of Economics in this increasingly important issue for organizations.

The professorship makes it possible to develop a long tradition of research on people in organizations at Stockholm School of Economics. Research will mainly focus on 3 general themes:

  • Providing competence across organizational boundaries
  • Talent management och continuous skills development.
  • Organization for knowledge integration and learning / innovation

By contributing to the international knowledge development on these issues, the professorship will both contribute to strengthening the Stockholm School of Economics’ international position in these areas and to strengthen efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness in Swedish organizations.

Dissemination of knowledge

The research will be conducted in close collaboration with organizations to ensure both its relevance and use in organizations. Through participation in courses and seminars for students, the HR profession, managers and staff, the professorship will contribute to an increased dialogue between research and practice in the areas of Human Capital Management and Human Resource Management.


For more information about the professorship and its activities, contact Professor Andreas Werr. Telephone: +46 (0)8-736 97 42

Lundberg Chair in Construction Logistics  –  2009-2019

Martin Rudberg

Norrköping Campus, Linköping University


Since 2009, the Lars Erik Lundberg Foundation for Research and Education has financed a newly established professorship entitled the Lars Erik Lundberg Chair in Construction Logistics.

The Foundation has committed to financing this professorship and an associated doctoral studentship within the professor’s field over a period of ten years from 2009 until 2019, initially in an amount of SEK 1.5 million per 12-month period.

For Linköping University and its Norrköping Campus, the Lundberg Chair provides very important funding for both research and education.

Vision and focus

The vision for this professorship was to become a leading national research team within construction logistics by 2015, and by 2020 to have become a leading international research team with the ability to aid the Swedish construction industry in being internationally competitive. Accordingly, the team’s research is focused on construction logistics in close cooperation with trade and industry, organizations and other research environments, and also on the dissemination of knowledge and skills in construction logistics to students, the construction industry, and society as a whole. In this perspective, construction logistics includes activities affecting logistics and production in the supply chain, on the construction site and in the interface between the supply chain and the construction site.


The overall objective is to conduct needs-based research anchored in the construction industry and with the aim of building more efficiently in terms of time, cost and quality. More specifically, research is targeted at:

  • Developing new methods and new processes for efficient construction logistics.
  • Developing principles and methods for logistics aimed at improving the degree of industrialization.
  • Developing new information, planning and decision support systems for the special and future needs of the construction industry.

For example, current research projects are focused on dimensions and measurement as well as the analysis and development of logistics systems in the construction industry, logistics solutions in prefabrication and industrialization, and the use of alternative transport and storage solutions in the construction supply chain.

Dissemination of knowledge

In addition to organizing seminars and conferences and holding lectures for the industry and industry associations, the results of the research are also being disseminated via newsletters and popular science articles in industry magazines. In addition, the close collaboration with the various stakeholders involved in the construction supply chain guarantees that the results will be applied in practice.

Students are also provided with a course in construction logistics. Initially, the course was offered to students of the construction engineering program at Linköping University, Norrköping Campus, but in the long term, students from other programs with a logistics orientation will also be able to benefit from the course. Some examples from the course content include Supply Chain Management, Lean Production/Lean Construction, Supply Chain and Construction Site Logistics, and Industrialized Construction.


For more information about the professorship and its activities, contact Professor Martin Rudberg. Telephone: +46 (0)13-281566

Lundberg Chair in Digital Image and Media Technology  –  1998-2007

Björn Kruse

Norrköping Campus, Linköping University


From 1998 to 2007, the Lars Erik Lundberg Foundation for Research and Education funded a newly established professorship entitled the Lars Erik Lundberg Chair in Science and Technology with a special focus on Digital Image and Media Technology. The professorship was established at the time of the university’s expansion and investment in a new university campus in Norrköping.

The Foundation committed to financing this professorship and an associated doctoral studentship within the professor’s field over a period of ten years, initially in an amount of SEK 1.4 million per 12-month period. In total, the funding amounted to SEK 14.4 million.

The Lundberg professorship has been and remains very important to Norrköping Campus’s funding from both an education and a research perspective.


Björn Kruse has led the development of a new engineering degree in media technology at Linköping University, Norrköping Campus.

The result is an attractive degree program with a well-balanced combination of engineering and science and strong design elements delivered using a project-oriented teaching methodology. The degree program was the first of its kind in Sweden and has been very successful.

Examples of areas of technology include: Graphic Design, Audio Technology, Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Scientific Visualization and Virtual Reality.

Under the professorship and in parallel with the development of the teaching methodology, this field of research has been expanded.

Research within the Lundberg professorship has focused on the following areas of application: image reproduction, image quality with a particular focus on color reproduction and graphic production, and paper-related issues for print quality.

This research has been carried out in collaboration with colleagues at other universities and research institutes. A number of doctorates and licentiates have been completed within the field of the Lundberg professorship.

Financial responsibility was transferred to Linköping University from January 1, 2008.