For scholarship holders – Postdoc

This page contains important information about what applies for those granted a postdoc scholarship and what a scholarship from the Lars Erik Lundberg Scholarship Foundation means.

Confirmation of granted scholarship

If you are informed in April via e-mail that you have been granted a scholarship, the Foundation will need a few more details from you so that payments can be made.

Log in to your account in the online application system, via the button below. Follow the link “Your application for a scholarship has been granted, click here to proceed”.

Control the draft Payment Plan and Reporting Plan that have been set up for you there. They can be viewed in the confirmation letter. These draft plans are based on the start and end dates of the scholarship year specified in your application, and on the foundation’s rules of a maximum of two payments during a scholarship year, of which the second payment is conditional on an approved status report.

Make sure that at the start of the scholarship payments you will be in place to start your postdoc project.

If changes need to be made to your Payment Plan or Reporting Plan, notify the administrator by e-mail and ask for a revised plan. Note that the scholarship may begin to be lifted no earlier than May of the year in wich the application was submitted and granted, and at the latest begin in April next year. If project start is planned or postponed until later than April next year, the scholarship expires and instead a new application will be required during the next year’s application period; January/February of the following year.

  • Enter the details of the bank account where you want your scholarship payments to be deposited in the relevant fields in the online application system.
  • Print out the confirmation letter, which also shows the approved Payment Plan and Reporting Plan. Sign the letter where indicated. E-signed confirmation letter is accepted.
  • Scan the signed confirmation letter as a PDF file and upload the file to your account in the online application system.

The foundation wants these steps above to be done as soon as possible after notification of the approved application.

  • If the applicant was still a doctoral student at the time of application, documentation of the doctoral degree must be presented before the first payment. Such documentation is also uploaded via the account in the application system. This can be done at a later stage when the documentation is available.

Once this has been done, your scholarship and Payment Plan will be activated.

Reporting to the foundation

The Foundation reserves the right to full disclosure and information about the work of scholarship holders. Projects are followed up in part by requesting a report twice per year, according to the agreed Reporting Plan.

Four months into the scholarship year, the scholarship holder is required to submit a PROGRESS REPORT. Once it has been received and approved by the foundation’s reviewers, the second scholarship payment can be made. At the end of the scholarship year, a FINAL REPORT for the scholarship year must be submitted.

This report is to have reached the Foundation not later than the last day of the reporting month according to the Reporting Plan.

How the reporting is done

The reports are submitted via the account in the online application system, using the forms intended for the Progress Report and the Final Report.

About 30 days before the deadline, an automatic reminder email will be sent to you from the system.

To log in and create a report use the button below to get to the start page of the application system. Log in to your account and follow the link “”Your application for a scholarship has been granted, click here to proceed”.

Open the form for status report or final report. Fill in the form and attach PDF files according to the instructions.

The Progress Report and Final Report forms include fields reserved for a brief, accessible summary of the results achieved, in Swedish and in English. This summary serves as an important mini-report on the project and it should be possible to publish it directly on our website. It must be possible to read this summary in isolation, and consequently no references may be made to the Progress Report or Final Report and its annexes.

You can save a report form and continue with it at a later time. However, once the report has been submitted to the Foundation, it cannot be changed.

General information

What is a Lundberg Scholarship?

Scholarships from the Lars Erik Lundberg Scholarship Foundation go to postdoctoral fellows, who have no employment or other funding to cover their personal living expenses, in place of a salary. Consequently, scholarships are not granted for undergraduate education, are not granted directly to higher education institutions, to doctoral students or to postdoctoral fellows who are fully financed through employment or through some other means.

Each scholarship is personal and tax-exempt, but does not provide eligibility for social welfare benefits or national insurance schemes. The scholarship holder is recommended to investigate whether insurance for postdocs with scholarship is taken out through the university, or to take out insurance him-/herself.

You may apply for a scholarship for a maximum of 12 months, and for scholarships granted in 2024 it is paid twice during the year, with amounts corresponing to SEK 32,000 per month. For a full year, this means two payments of SEK 192,000, six months apart.

Chances of being granted additional scholarships

Continuation scholarship for a second year may be considered. A new application then needs to be submitted to the foundation during next year’s application period in January / February.

The application must then be accompanied by a report on the current situation in the ongoing project.

Scholarships are not granted for longer than a total of two years.

Deferral and adjustment of Payment and Reporting Plans

If for some reason you need to take a break from your postdoc project for a limited period, for example, due to short-term project-based employment, parental leave or illness, it is possible to apply to the Foundation’s administration for a deferral of your scholarship. The administration should be informed as soon as this circumstance is known. However, there is an upper limit for how long a scholarship can be postponed. The scholarship may be postponed to a maximum of twelve months from the time it was granted. Thus, a full-year grant must be fully paid no later than April two years after it was granted.

In case of approved postponement, adjustments are made in the Payment Plan and Reporting Plan as agreed. When the time is approaching to resume your postdoc project, you should contact the administration in good time to ensure that your payments start again at the right time.

Cancellation of scholarship

If a scholarship holder receives an offer of employment from his/her higher education institution, or other funding for his/her living expenses during his/her postdoc project and thus wishes to cancel the scholarship, the holder must notify the Foundation’s administration of this change in circumstances as soon as possible. The Foundation will then require a Final Report on the status of the project at the time of terminating the scholarship.