Granted scholarships

From 1993 to 2024, 353 scholarships have been granted and paid to 199 scholarship holders, corresponding to a total of SEK 56,342,320.

Click on this link to view statistics covering all scholarships granted during those years.

Scholarship holders

The table below lists all scholarship holders by subject area.


Scholarships granted by subject area

The table below shows the distribution of scholarships by subject area.

Subject area Quantity Sum (SEK)
Basic engineering sciences 25 3 268 000
Building and real estate economics 40 7 547 000
Building construction and materials 22 3 150 000
Design and form 43 6 871 000
Greening of the built environment 22 4 332 000
Land, water and infrastructure 50 6 839 200
Planning and urban design 61 11 900 320
Structural design in civil engineering 46 5 704 800
Theory and history of architecture 44 6 730 000
Sum 353 56 342 320

Scholarships granted by higher education institution

The table below shows the geographical distribution of scholarship amounts (in thousands of SEK) by the scholarship holder’s higher education institution.

Year KTH Chalmers Luleå TU Lunds TH Other Sum
1993 500 160 75 112 0 847
1994 344 220 160 198 0 922
1995 350 100 140 300 0 890
1996 419 557 0 255 438 1 669
1997 654 636 150 100 304 1 844
1998 400 336 162 100 224 1 222
1999 480 240 240 0 0 960
2000 150 240 360 100 0 850
2001 180 360 480 0 50 1 070
2002 480 120 360 240 0 1 200
2003 720 120 120 240 0 1 200
2004 720 240 120 0 120 1 200
2005 690 180 240 120 0 1 230
2006 901 264 0 132 0 1 297
2007 755 528 0 132 0 1 415
2008 792 288 144 0 144 1 368
2009 612 432 0 144 144 1 332
2010 1 008 0 0 217 288 1 513
2011 1 296 0 0 0 144 1 440
2012 1 632 0 254 144 288 2 318
2013 972 0 0 528 144 1 644
2014 1 440 0 180 405 0 2 025
2015 1 800 0 0 360 0 2 160
2016 900 0 0 720 180 1 800
2017 1 224 0 0 216 346 1 786
2018 1 166 0 264 528 720 2 678
2019 864 0 0 288 864 2 016
2020 525 300 0 300 540 1 665
2021 1 596 348 0 300 996 3 240
2022 1 344 300 0 600 1 392 3 636
2023 1 392 0 0 873 696 2 961
2024 2 256 0 0 768 1 920 4 944
Sum 28 562 5 969 3 449 8 420 9 942 56 342
Share 51% 11% 6% 15% 18% 100%