At a meeting in April 2017, the Lars Erik Lundberg’s Scholarship Foundation decided to award the Lundberg scholarship for 2017. The following doctoral projects were awarded scholarships:
“Water quality modelling of shallow water lakes using COMSOL Multiphysics software”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, Stockholm. (Continued scholarship). 108 000:-
”Kontorsmiljöns betydelse för lågintensiv fysisk aktivitet samt social interaktion och samarbete på arbetsplatsen”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Architectural Technology, Stockholm. 216 000:-
”Gemensamma lärandeprocesser och hållbar stads- och regionutveckling – en studie av samverkan, lärande och förändring”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Division of Urban and Regional Studies, Stockholm. (Continued scholarship). 216 000:-
”Concrete Form[ing] work: Integrating Fabric Patterns and Smart Textiles with Cast Concrete”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Architectural Technology, Stockholm. 216 000:-
”Broken bones and sharp corners: assessing housing safety for the elderly – Ensuring elderly mobility: environmental and safety issues”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urban Planning and Environment, Stockholm. (Continued scholarship). 108 000:-
”Moisture dynamics in road structure: Hydrological impact on roads and resulting pollution on groundwater”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, Stockholm. 144 000:-
”Environmental Fate and Transport Modeling of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs)”, LTH, University of Lund, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Lund. (Continued scholarship). 216 000:-
“Beyond the Masterplan – Engaging landscape architecture and design thinking in urban transformation”, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp. (Continued scholarship). 129 600:-
”Performance-based Design of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands: Remediation Strategies for Bioaccumulation and Sequestration of Phosphorus Recovery”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, Stockholm. (Continued scholarship). 216 000:-
”Om stadens territoriografi: att kartlägga socio-materiella praktiker och gränser i det offentliga rummet”, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp. (Continued scholarship). 216 000:-