At a meeting in April 2018, the Lars Erik Lundberg’s Scholarship Foundation decided to award the Lundberg scholarship for 2018. The following doctoral projects were awarded scholarships:
“Staging Transformation in Architecture”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Build Environment, Stockholm. (Continued scholarship) 264 000:-
”Om stadens territoriografi: att kartlägga socio-materiella praktiker och gränser i det offentliga rummet”, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp. (Continued scholarship) 264 000:-
“Vibrationer I byggnader p g a tågtrafik – Beaktande av jordstruktur-interaktion”, Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Structural Engineering and bridges, Stockholm. 264 000:-
“Lyssnandets politik – om medborgardialog, beslutsprocesser och hållandet av osäkerhet”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Urban and regional studies, Stockholm. (Continued scholarship) 110 000:-
”Modelling on-site wastewater treatment systems – hydraulics and nutrient removal in reactive filter and constructed wetland”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, Stockholm. (Continued scholarship) 264 000:-
“Beyond the Masterplan – Engaging landscape architecture and design thinking in urban transformation”, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp. (Continued scholarship) 193 000:-
”Environmental Fate and Transport Modeling of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs)”, University of Lund – Faculty of Engineering, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Lund. (Continued scholarship) 264 000:-
“Imporvment in 3D mapping and accuracy assessment using aerial photogrammetry data”, University of Gävle, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Gävle. 264 000:-
“Swedish architecture education between art and technology”, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Architectural History, Stockholm. (Continued scholarship) 264 000:-
“A country of many capitals”, Lulea University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Architecture and Water, Luleå. 264 000:-
”Local plan developments for affordable housing production by public partnerships in Denmark and Sweden”, University of Lund, Department for Social and Economic Geography, Lund. (Continued scholarship) 264 000:-